“In sales there are going to be times when you can’t make everyone happy. Don’t expect to and you won’t be disappointed. Just do your best for each client in each situation as it arises. Then, learn from each situation how to do it better the next time.”  ~ Tom Hopkins

sales process designThe Sales Process Design Key is the heartbeat of the “10 Keys for Strategic Growth” Audit. Selling into the 5 Generations can be quite confusing. This Key covers the development of an effective Sales Process for YOUR business. This is not a one size fits all generic book on selling. What we do is help you understand how the people that you wish to sell to, would buy your products and/or services.

In any buying decision, a prospect goes through various stages to make a decision. Whether you are a nonprofit, for-profit, church, retail store, professional firm, school/college, etc. everyone buys what you have to offer. The easiest way to understand this is to take yourself through the process of a purchase you recently made.

It is important to focus on the Sales Process Design in any growth strategy because it is critical to meet your prospect at every stage of the sale which extends all the way through to customer service.

Generational diversity has created a level of confusion for companies along with the overwhelming amount of information available to organizations. The arrival of social media has complicated an organization’s marketing strategies.

In the end, if the prospect cannot find you in the locations they search for information, you simply will not win the business. This Key will help you understand how each of your customers buys you and how you need to sell to the generationally diverse marketplace.

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